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Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee

The advisory committee of Musica Sacra International has the task of conceptually supporting and developing the festival. A maximum of ten personalities from the fields of theology and religious studies, religious communities and music have been appointed to this committee.


Actual members of the advisory committee:

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Bubmann, Erlangen-Nürnberg | chairman of the advisory committee
    Academic Director Musica Sacra International – MODfestivals e.V. | Professor for Practical Theology at the Department of Theology at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, research focus on music and religion

  • Dr. Verena Grüter, Hof
    Managing pastor of the parish of St Michaelis, Hof | Private lecturer at the Augustana University of Applied Sciences Neuendettelsau

  • Prof. Dr. Hans Jaskulsky, Witten
    Chairman of MODfestivals e.V.

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl-Josef Kuschel, Tübingen
    Prof. em. and Academic Director of the Theology of Culture and the Interreligious Dialogue at the Department for Catholic Theology at the University of Tübingen, member of the academic advisory committee of the World Ethos Foundation and since 2012 a member of the foundation’s board of trustees

  • Prof. Dr. Jascha Nemtsov, Berlin
    Academic Director of Studies of the Cantor Training at the Abraham Geiger Theological College Berlin | Professor of Music at the Department for the History of Jewish Music at the College for Music Franz Liszt Weimar

  • Prof. Dr. Heike Oberlin, Tübingen
    Academic senior councillor for the scientific coordination of the Asia-Orient Institute of the University of Tübingen

  • Dr. Osman Öksüzoğlu, Spardorf
    Musicologist and Musician

  • Dr. Carola Roloff, Hamburg
    Guest professor for Buddhism at the Academy for World Religions Hamburg

  • Bettina Strübel, Frankfurt
    Musical-programmatic Director Musica Sacra International – MODfestivals e.V.
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